
Oskar Painter, Rm. 266 Watson, x8008.

Place and Time:

Tu 14:30-16:00, Th 14:30-16:00, 104 Watson.

Course Syllabus, Policies, and Schedule:

APh_150a_2014_15_CS (pdf)
APh_150a_Schedule_Modifications (pdf)


Myoung-Gyun Suh, Rm. 236 Watson, x2194.

Office Hours:

O. Painter: Wednesday evenings, 7-8pm, 104 Watson.
Myoung-Gyun Suh: TBD

Homework and Handouts:

Week 2 (lectures on October 7th, October 9th):

QIP_roadmap_Europe_2008 (pdf)

arXiv_Knill_Laflamme_Zurek_intro_to_quantum_information_processing_2002 (pdf)

Week 3 (lectures on October 14th, October 16th):

HW#1 (pdf)

PRD_Caves_quantum_limits_linear_amplifier_1982 (pdf)

Nature_Wooters_Zurek_a single_quantum_cannot_be_cloned_1982 (pdf)

PRL_Barnum_Caves_Schumacher_noncommuting_mixed_states_cannot_be_broadcast_1996 (pdf)

Week 4 (lecture on November 4th):

HW #2 (pdf)

Nature_Bouwmeester_quantum_teleportation_1997 (pdf)

Science_Furusawa_unconditional_quantum_teleportation_1998 (pdf)

PRL_Boschi_quantum_teleportation_1998 (pdf)

Weihs_Zeilinger_QIP_with_beam_splitters (pdf)

PRL_Hong_Ou_Mandel_measurement_two_photon_interference_1987 (pdf)

Paul_Kwiat_Thesis (pdf)

Week 5 (lectures on November 11th, November 13th):

HW #3 (pdf)

Nature_Knill_Laflamme_Milburn_LOQC (pdf)

PRL_Cirac_Zoller_Kimble_Mabuchi_quantum_state_transfer_cQED (pdf)

APB_Kuhn_Rempe_STIRAP_process_single_photon_generation (pdf)

Science_McKeever_Kimble_experimental_cQED_source_single_photon_on_demand (pdf)

Week 6 (lectures on November 18th, November 20th):

Michel Devoret’s Les Houches lecture notes from 1997 (pdf)

Jon Martinis’ Les Houches lecture notes from 2011 (pdf)

Bouchiat (Devoret group) paper on quantum coherence in a Cooper Pair Box (pdf)

Week 7 (lecture on November 25th):

Josephson’s original paper on tunneling effects for a superconducting junction (pdf)

Original DC SQUID paper (pdf)

Clarke’s review on SQUID devices (pdf)

Week 8 (lectures on December 2nd, December 4th):

HW #4 (pdf)

Koch’s (Yale group) paper on the Transmon qubit (pdf)

Steve Girvin’s Les Houches lecture notes from 2011 (pdf)